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Markt: TSX
Sektor: Lebensmittel-Einzelhandel und Großhandel
Website: Ringbolt Ventures
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Ringbolt Ventures

Ringbolt Ventures is focusing on the acquisition and development of assets in the agricultural sector. Ringbolt recognizes the impending worldwide shortage of potash for fertilizer usage, and accordingly has joined forces with Bua USA LLC., a Southern Utah company based in Moab, Utah. Ringbolt owns 90% of Bua USA LLC. Moab is in the Paradox Basin, one of the largest known evaporate basins in North America. The basin is believed to contain billions of tons of potash-bearing rocks in the form of sylvite (potassium chloride). Bua has applied for 86,000 acres of prospecting and exploration permits in the basin under application.

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