Red Rock Resources
Red Rock Resources Plc ist ein Mineralexplorationsunternehmen. Es konzentriert sich auf die Entdeckung und die Entwicklung von Gold, Uran und andere Mineralen. Durch seinen Abgang durch Verkauf an Jupiter Mines Ltd, sucht die Firma eine aktive "steel feed" Strategie für die Konsolidierung von grossen Beteiligungen an Eisenerz, Mangan und Kohle (potenzielle). Red Rock ist ein Hauptaktionär von Jupiter Mines Ltd. Red Rock folgt verschiedene Strategien: Die Exploration und die Ausbeutung von Mineral-Lagerstätten, Die Erwerbung und der Verkauf von Beteiligungen an wirklichen oder potentielle Minerallagerstätten, oder Firmen mit diesen Liegenschaften, im Tausch gegen bar, Wertpapiere. Tantiemen oder andere "deferred interests"; durch "buy-in" Vereinbarungen und JVs mit solchen Unternehmen; und durch Emissionen von Wertpapieren in Tochtergesellschaft oder Partner-Unternehmen. Red Rock Resources (AIM: RRR) wurde an London's AIM im Juli 2005 notiert. Der Hauptbetriebsfokus der Firma in 2010 ist seine Goldliegenschaften (Kenia).
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Aktuelle Tätigkeiten:
Gold interests:
In late 2009, Red Rock announced the conditional acquisition from Kansai Mining Corporation Limited (“KMC”) of a 60% interest in the 68 km Migori greenstone belt in South West Kenya. The Mid Migori Property is approximatly 300 sq km and is located 30 km north of the operating North Mara goldmine in Tanzania. The Migori belt is an Archaean greenstone belt, relatively lightly explored over the greater part of its length, but with historic gold and base metal production including the Macalder VMS copper-zinc-gold mine. The tenements have a 43-101 Indicated Resource of 1.172 m oz gold.
Red Rock has agreed to lend $2m to Colombian gold miner Mineras Four Points SA (“MFP”), and has entered into a consultancy agreement with MFP. MFP owns and has rights over two gold mines in Antioquia, El Limon and La Aurora, the first of which is already in production. The loan will pay for renovation of the plant at the 60 year old El Limon mine to run at, initially, 150 tpd, and the bringing into production of La Aurora.
Further gold prospectivity exists in the Oakover license in the East Pilbara.
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Iron Ore (Fe)
The company’s iron ore projects in WA include two known large high-grade occurrences of Banded Iron Formation (BIF) in hills at Mt Ida, including a haematite lens returning 66.64% iron and 0.05% phosphorus in surface sampling. A joint venture and option agreement covering Mt Ida and Mt Hope and are now held through Jupiter Mines Ltd.
Mt Alfred is located in the central Yilgarn district of Western Australia and collectively cover an area of 471 sq km. This area contains large, high-grade occurrences of Banded Iron Formation (BIF) with one hematite lens returning 66.64% iron and 0.05% phosphorus from surface sampling.
Savage River North and Arthur River tenements are located in NW Tasmania and cover an area of 148 sq km. Strike continuations from the Savage River mine contain potential for banded magnetite lenses.
Manganese (Mn)
Over 90% of Manganese production goes into the manufacturing of steel, and in this application there is no known substitute for Manganese. High, or metallurgical, grade Manganese substantially comes from three areas currently: Australia, now the number 1 producer, South Africa, and Gabon. Manganese demand is therefore directly influenced by the industrial revolution affecting China and India, some 40% of the world’s population, and the growing demand for steel it has caused. India, a large producer of iron ore, does not enjoy the same position in metallurgical grade Manganese. The Manganese price, currently upto $12.00 per unit (so c. $600 fob for 50% Manganese), is expected to remain relatively stable while demand will increase.
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Uranium & Rare Earths
Uranium represents the only major long-term energy source that can replace or compete with fossil fuels and that can enable industrialized countries to meet their Kyoto obligations. The long term prospects for uranium are strong, and there is a need for a greater geographical diversity of source. Increased demand in the last five years has been met by increased production from Kazakhstan, but the pace of this increase is not expected to be sustained, and from 2011 Red Rock expects better supply-demand fundamentals.
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Andrew Bell, MA, LLB, FGS, Chairman
Andrew Bell began his career as a natural resources analyst at Morgan Grenfell & Co. in the 1970s. His business experience encompasses periods in fund management and advisory work at leading financial institutions, international corporate finance work, and private equity. Andrew Bell’s listed company directorships are Regency Mines Plc (Chairman), Greatland Gold Plc (Chairman), Jupiter Mines Ltd (Director) and Resource Star Ltd (Chairman).
Manoli Yannaghas, BA, Director
Manoli Yannaghas is a former financial analyst working with international financial consultancy. Experienced with small companies including operations and corporate finance, for the past ten years he has worked in various operational capacities within small and medium sized businesses. Manoli has experience with team building and management, fund raising as well as other areas of corporate finance. He currently sits as Non-executive Director on a number of small fast growth companies. He is a former Director of ASX-Listed Resource Star Ltd.
Michael Nott, BSc, MSc, FIMMM, FIQ, FMES, Non-executive Director
Michael Nott brings 34 years of geological, engineering and management experience to the company, including ten for Roan Consolidated Mines and other companies in the Zambian mining industry. He moved into the management of aggregate quarrying operations and then to senior roles in the aggregate and industrial minerals sectors, for companies including ARC Southern Ltd and Hills Aggregates Ltd. He is currently CEO of private company Magyar Mining Plc, and Managing Director of AIM-listed Alba Mineral Resources Plc.
John Watkins, FCA, Non-executive Director
John Watkins is a chartered accountant and a former partner of Ernst & Young and Neville Russell. He is a director of Starvest plc, a substantial shareholder of Regency Mines Plc, the Company’s controlling shareholder. In addition, he is a director of Regency Mines Plc and Greatland Gold Plc. All of Starvest Plc, Regency Mines Plc and Greatland Gold Plc are listed on AIM. He is Chairman of Equity Resources Plc, a shareholder of Red Rock Resources Plc, a company listed on PLUS Markets.
Robert Weicker, BSc, PGeo, Non-executive Director
Robert Weicker has over 25 years in the mineral exploration and mining industry, from greenfield exploration to production. He worked early in his career with Noranda, and then with Lac Minerals, becoming Chief Geologist of the Williams Mine, the largest gold mine in Canada, in 1988. His experience since includes development of zinc and gold mines, serving as director of several junior Canadian companies, and authoring feasibility and valuation reports.
Significant Shareholders :
Regency Mines Plc
TD Waterhouse Nominees (Europe) Ltd
Barclayshare Nominees Ltd
HSDL Nominees Ltd
Hargreaves Lansdown Nominees Ltd
Prism Nominees Ltd
Share Nominees Ltd
Sunvest Corporation Ltd
CLICK HERE for further investor information
(Updated from Red Rock Resources website on 16th August 2010)
Registered Office:
3/F, 55 Gower Street
Business Address:
115 Eastbourne Mews
London W2 6LQ
: +44 20 7099 5840
: +44 20 7099 5841
: Religare Capital Markets Ltd
: Ronaldsons Solicitors
: Simple Investments
Transfer Agen
t: Share Registrars Ltd
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