Xmet ist ein junges Goldunternehmen, dass sich auf fortgeschrittene Projekte in bestehenden Bergbau-Camps in Kanada konzentriert. Die Firma hat ein erfahrenes Management-Team mit einer Erfolgsgeschichte von der Entdeckung und der Entwicklung.
gründliche Analyse
- 09/09/2011 Xmet und Globex erhöhen Ressource für Duquesne-Ottoman Goldprojekt um 56%
- 14/06/2011 Xmet verlängert Option für Duquesne-Ottoman Goldprojekt
- 25/03/2011 Xmet erweitert Goldmineralisierung auf der 20-20 Zone
Aktuelle Nachrichten von Xmet
- 17/11/2011 Xmet plant bis zu C$1,5 Mio Privatplatzierung für Duquesne-Ottoman Bohrarbeiten
- 31/10/2011 Xmet meldet erste Ergebnisse von neuen Bohrungen auf Duquesne-Ottoman Goldprojekt
- 19/10/2011 Xmet meldet neue Ergebnisse von Grabenproben auf Duquesne-Ottoman Goldprojekt
- 14/09/2011 Xmet beginnt 7.000 Meter Bohrprogramm auf Duquesne-Ottoman Goldliegenschaft
- 07/09/2011 Xmet meldet vielversprechende Grabenproben von Duquesne-Ottoman Goldprojekt
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Verbundene Recherche
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Unternehmensstrategie und – daten:
Xmet is a junior gold exploration company focused on advanced projects in existing mining camps in Canada where exploration and mining costs are minimized and where past and currently producing mines make for much easier permitting and minimizes social community risks. The company is lead by highly qualified and driven professionals with experience in corporate financing and all phases of mineral exploration and a track record of discovery and development. The Duquesne-Ottoman Property, the company’s principal project, is host to an inferred gold resource of 525,000 ounces according to a recently published NI43-101 compliant report. The deposit is located very near infrastructure and has excellent potential for expansion. Two drills are currently turning on the property and the latest news release highlighted a 4.3m interval grading 9.57 g/t Au.
Alex Stewart, B.A., J.D. » Chairman & CEO
A retired corporate/securities lawyer, CEO of Minerx Inc. (www.minerx.com), President of RTO Zarex Ltd.(www.rtozarex.com), and a director of Everton Resources Inc.(www.evertonresources.com) with over 35 years experience in the financial and public markets, including directorships, corporate finance and legal advisory roles for companies trading on NASDAQ, NYSE, DAX, TSX, TSX-V and their predecessors. Selected former clients include Biovail Corporation, Longines-Wittnauer Watch Co., Westinghouse Electric Co. and Treats Inc.
Charles Beaudry, M.Sc., P. Geo., géo » President & COO
A seasoned mining executive with over 30 years experience in project generation, business development, exploration geochemistry and hands on project management including as Country Manager in Brazil for Noranda Inc. from 1996 to 2001. Charles has been involved in a number of deposit discoveries with Noranda/ Falconbridge. Charles has worked for Agip Canada Inc., Aur Resources Inc. and Noranda/Falconbridge. Until recently he was General Manager for New Opportunities for IamGold where he head the world-wide search for new acquisition opportunities and established a new exploration office in Colombia. He is a Qualified Person for purposes of news releases and 43-101 technical reports.
Bill Yeomans, B.Sc., P.Geo. » VP Exploration & Acquisitions
A gold exploration professional with over 25 years of field experience in all stages of gold exploration, development and production throughout the Americas and in Asia. In his career, Bill has worked for BHP World Discovery Group, StrataGold Corp., Migrate Mining, Aur Resources Inc., Canamax Resources, Shell Minerals and most recently for IamGold where he sourced and evaluated advanced gold projects throughout the Americas. His strengths include project evaluation, geochemical and geophysical analysis, supervision of field exploration projects and management of mining camps. Bill is a Qualified Person for purposes of news releases and 43-101 technical reports.
Kirk Boyd » CFO
Mr. Boyd has served as a director and Chief Financial Officer of various reporting issuers listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange"). Mr. Boyd is also the principal of Kirk Boyd & Associates, a consulting company providing executive services and specializing in strategic planning, corporate restructuring and financial management.
No info available.
120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2500
Toronto, Ontario M5H 1T1
Phone: 416-644-6588
FAX: 416-367-1954
[email protected]
No info available.
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