Xtra-Gold Resources
Xtra-Gold Resources Corp. has a dominant land position in the highly prospective Kibi-Winneba greenstone belt ("Kibi
Gold Belt") adjacent to and geologically similar to the Ashanti Gold Belt (116 million ounces of proven gold reserves discovered; based on publicly available information).
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Unternehmensstrategie und – daten:
Our Company has already identified several gold-bearing structural trends that have the potential to host economically significant deposits. We have 5 contiguous concessions covering approximately 56,000 acres (226 square kilometers) in the Kibi Gold Belt including a 25 kilometer continuous stretch of geological/structurally favorable terrane along the flanks of the Atewa Range.
Aktuelle Tätigkeiten:
Exploration Overview
• Dominant land position in highly prospective and under explored Kibi-Winneba greenstone belt ("Kibi Gold Ridge")
• Kibi Gold Ridge adjacent and geologically similar to Ashanti Gold Belt (116 million ounces of proven gold reserves discovered)
• 5 concessions in Kibi Gold Belt totaling 226.24 km2, including ~25 km continuous stretch of geologically / structurally favorable terrane along the flanks of the Atewa Range
• 2 additional reconnaissance licenses applied for and in an ideal position to consolidate more ground
• In Q4 2008, completed first drill program ever conducted on our properties
Kibi Gold Belt Prospects
• Kibi Gold Trend: > 5.5 km long anomalous gold-in-soil trend with 4 extensive higher grade zones; classical granitoid-hosted gold mineralization associated with a swarm of structurally controlled granitoid bodies
Detailed trenching and Induced Polarization (IP) survey conducted over 62 line-km to further define drill targets
3,001 m drill program and 1,000 m in-trenching completed in Q4 2008 to test mineralization
• Ankaase Gold Trend: > 3.5 km long anomalous gold-in–soil trend associated with parallel system of gold–bearing quartz reef structures
805 m of reconnaissance trenching indicates that gold-in-soil anomalies are associated with structural corridors exhibiting favorable lithology, alteration and anomalous to economically significant bedrock gold mineralization
• Other Active Prospects:
• Old Kwabeng Mine • Banso Area 3
Kibi Gold Trend – Trenching Results
Total of 35 hand dug trenches totaling 2,320 m excavated in 2007-2008 to test geochemical signature of Zone 1, 2, and 3 gold-in-soil anomalies at depth within the saprolite horizon. Zone 4 yet to be tested by scout trenching.
Zone 1 trenching exposed a system of shear hosted, gold-bearing quartz veins (TKB002 & 003).
Trenching exposed widespread occurrences of classical granitoid-hosted gold mineralization in Zone 1 and 2. Mineralization hosted by swarms of granitoid bodies interpreted to be emplaced along splay structures off an inferred NE-trending regional structure.
The broadly spaced scout trenching encountered significant granitoid-hosted gold mineralization, over trench lengths ranging from 10 m to 45 m, spread out over approximately 975 m and 500 m E-W distances in Zone 1 and 2, respectively. In addition, several granitoid occurrences yielded exploration significant anomalous gold values.
Additional trenching planned to further define structural controls of mineralization and test Zone 4 in order to produce cost effective drill targets.
Kibi Gold Trend - Drill Locations
Broadly spaced Zone 2 drilling (15 holes) targeted gold mineralization discovered in 4 trenches, TKB005, TKB004, TKB006, and TKB009-010, spread out over an E-W distance of approximately 975 m.
13 out of the 15 holes in Zone 2 yielded significant gold intercepts (see "Kibi Gold Trend - Drill Results" for Table); including 10 holes intersecting significant granitoid-hosted gold mineralization over 7 m to 45 m core lengths.
Mineralization hosted by swarm of granitoid bodies, ranging from 5.5 m to 79 m in core length, interpreted to be emplaced along splay structures off an inferred NE-trending regional structure.
Limited drilling to date traced the granitoid-hosted gold mineralization over a 200 m strike length and to a vertical depth of 100 m at the Trench TKB004 Zone; including gold intercepts of 25.4 m @ 2.11 g/t, 15 m @ 0.87 g/t and 33 m @ 1.28 g/t, 16 m @ 2.24 g/t, and 15 m @ 2.78 g/t in holes KBD08012, 013, 014, and 015, respectively. Similarly mineralization at the Trench TKB005 Zone was traced over a 135 m strike length and to a vertical depth of 76 m; including significant gold intercepts of 12 m @ 8.49 g/t and 7 m @ 4.83 g/t in holes KBD08004 and KBD08010, respectively.
Limited Zone 1 scout drilling (3 holes) intersected a typical "Ashanti" style shear zone setting developed proximal to metavolcanic-metasediment contact with spatially associated granitoid body. Hole KBD08017 yielded intermittent, exploration significant gold values over a 60 m core length.
Zone 2 Detail Drill Plan (Holes #KBD08001 - 015)
Zone 1 Drill Plan (Holes #KBD08016 - 018)
Xtra-Gold Team with first free gold produced
Mining Overview
Historical 216,800 ounces of placer gold found in the mineralized material at the base of the Kibi Gold Ridge.
The source of this placer gold is from a period of severe water erosion of the Kibi Gold Ridge.
Our processing plant has the capacity to produce 10,000 ounces annually, at an estimated cash cost of US$500 per ounce.
Our Company has mined mineralized material to generate cash flow to assist in financing exploration activities.
One of many gold nuggets found at the base of the Kibi Gold Ridge
For more info on projects
Board of Directors/Officers:
Richard W. Grayston, Ph.D
Position: Chairman of the Board
Business Administration, Finance and Economics, University of Chicago, MBA, University of Chicago, BA - Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia, CGA since 1977. Chairman of the Board and an independent Director since March 2007. Self-employed business consultant with more than 25 years' experience in financial and economic consulting to public companies.
James Longshore, BA
Position: President, Director
Economics, Bowdoin College, Maine. Co-founder of Xtra-Gold Resources Corp. and President since March 2007 and a Director since November 2006. He is also an officer, director and General Manager of our Ghanaian subsidiaries, Xtra-Gold Mining Limited (“XG Mining”), Xtra-Gold Exploration Limited (“XGEL”) and Xtra Oil and Gas (Ghana) Limited (“XOGG”). Mr. Longshore has an integral role in our corporate financings and investor relations and has worked in Ghana since 2002 overseeing our mining and exploration activities. Mr. Longshore has 16 years of business investment experience in resource companies.
Peter Minuk
Position: Director, Secretary and Treasurer
Masters Certificate in Project Management (Schulich School of Business, York University). Director since March 2007 and Secretary and Treasurer since August 2009. 20 years' experience in finance and investment, as well as project management, training and staff development and client relationships. Formerly with the Bank of Montreal (1990 to 2006). Masters Certificate in Project Management (Schulich School of Business, York University).
Robert H. Montgomery, BA
Position: Independent Director
Economics and Geography, University of Victoria, CA since 1994. Independent Director since March 2007. 14 years’ experience as a chartered accountant and auditor. Self-employed consultant. Sarbanes Oxley contractor to financial institutions including Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Bank of Montreal and various investment banks.
Yves Clement, P.Geo
Position: Vice-President
Vice-President, Exploration since May 2006. Oversees all exploration and drilling activities, prepares all work programs and cost budgets. His expertise contributes to further maximization of the value of our existing portfolio of exploration projects and the advancement of our growth strategy through key acquisitions. 20 years’ international experience in the generation, evaluation and development of mineral projects in Canada, South America and Africa. Former Senior Project Geologist for Lake Shore Gold Corp. and Aurora Platinum Corp.
Corporate Office
Suite 301 – 360 Bay Street
Toronto ON, Canada M5H 2V7
: (416) 366-4227
: (416) 981-3055
Ghana Office
P.O. Box CT5239
Cantonments, Accra, Ghana
: 233 21 519105
: 233 21 519106
[email protected]
Davidson & Company LLP
Suite 609 – 1200 Granville Street
Pacific Centre, P.O. Box 10372
Vancouver BC Canada M7Y 1G6
: (604) 687-0947
Transfer Agent
Allied Stock Transfer, Inc.
Address 200 Memorial Parkway
Atlantic Highlands NJ USA 07716
: (732) 872-2727
: (732) 872-2728
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