Gold One International
Gold One International Limited (ASX: GDO) is a gold producer listed on ASX and JSE. Its flagship operation is the Modder East mine, also owning the nearby existing Sub Nigel mine, which is used primarily as a training centre in the build-up of Modder to full production. Its other projects and targets include Ventersburg the Free State goldfields and the Tulo concession in Mozambique.
Production for 2010 is targeted at between 85,000 and 100,000 ounces of gold at a cash cost of less than US$400/ounce. Reserve base of 1.36 million gold ounces and a total resources base of 13.66 million gold ounces.
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Modder East Gold Mine Modder East is the first new mine built on the East Rand in 28 years. On 21 July 2009 Gold One announced that it had poured its first 240 ounces of gold from underground Modder East ore, well ahead of schedule, following on from the successful commissioning of the Modder East plant in June 2009 using low grade third party surface material. Continuous and Commercial production was declared on 1 December 2009. The Modder East mine is situated on the East Rand in the Gauteng Province of South Africa, approximately 30km to the east of Johannesburg, and is located in one of South Africa's richest historic gold mining districts. The project consists of the Modder East and UC Prospect areas, where the Black Reef and the UK9a Kimberley Reef have been identified. The Modder East mine encompasses a shallow underground mine (300 metres to 530 metres below surface) with a dedicated gold treatment facility with a production capacity of 70,000 tonnes per month. Feasibility Study Results In August, 2006 Aflease Gold released the results of the feasibility study conducted by Turgis Consulting and audited by SRK Consulting for Modder East. The project was shown to be economically robust and technically viable. Highlights from the feasibility study include:
Gold One International Consolidated Resource Statement South African Operations - January 2009
Geology and Mineralization Modder East is located in the East Rand Basin of South Africa, which lies in the northeastern quadrant of the Witwatersrand Basin. Most gold mineralization in the East Rand is hosted in quartz-pebble conglomerate beds or reefs. The Black Reef is the principal target at Modder East and dips shallowly at approximately 3° to the south. It contains three distinct facies. At the top is the Buckshot Pyrite Leader Zone ("BPLZ"), which averages 0.5 metres in width and is the primary mining target. The BPLZ is a placer deposit, with gold present within a heavy mineral suite dominated by pyrite and hosted within a conglomerate. The BPLZ overlies the Blanket Facies, a 1.3 metre thick quartzite which has relatively low gold grades and is not a principal target at Modder East. At the base of the Black Reef is the Channel Facies, a 3 metre thick, erosional feature. The UK9A and UK5A Reefs dip shallowly to the south between 6° and 12° with mineralization contained within sedimentary channel features. These channels range from several tens of metres to hundreds of metres in width. At the Modder East gold project, the UK9A and UK5A Reefs have been drilled and evaluated between 290 metres and 530 metres below surface. Mining Method Mining at Modder East employs a combination of conventional and mechanized mining techniques. Access to the orebody is by trackless decline from surface to the footwall of the reef horizons. The decline serves as a roadway for vehicles to transport rock and material into and out of the mine. Additionally, a vertical shaft has been sunk and is used to transport personnel in and out of the mine and to provide ventilation. Support of the development and stopes is based on a pillar system which protects the surface from any impact due to mining. It also ensures a safe and stable mining environment underground. Rock bolting and timber support is used where necessary for additional safety. The mining method employed is conventional narrow reef mining as practiced widely throughout the South African mining industry. Though the mining is serviced by a trackless infrastructure, all access to the reefs and all on-reef workings are being mined in the conventional manner. Mined material from the reefs will be cleaned with scraper winches and fed into ore passes to be loaded into 30 tonne low profile underground haulage trucks. Material is then be transported to a central silo system, while dedicated 50 tonne haul trucks transport the ore to surface for processing. Processing Method The Modder East mine utilizes a brand new carbon-in-leach ("CIL") plant to process Black Reef and Kimberley ores. The plant will comprises a single stage semi-autogenous (SAG) mill, operating in closed circuit with hydrocyclones, CIL adsorption, elution, electrowinning and smelting. The plant currently has a design capacity of 70,000 tonnes per month to match life of mine requirements. Recovery rates are expected to average 88% for the Black Reef and 95% for the UK9A Reef. |
The currently dormant Sub Nigel and Spaarwater gold mines are situated 1km northwest of the town of Nigel on the East Rand. The Sub Nigel mine produced 15 million ounces of gold from the Nigel Reef between 1909 and 1971. A total of 29.7 million tonnes of ore at an average head grade of 15.7g/t were milled during this period. The 900m deep Sub Nigel 1 Shaft on the property was recently re-commissioned and licensed.
Spaarwater gold mine, located immediately west of Sub Nigel, mined the Main Reef (stratigraphically equivalent to the Nigel Reef) between 1947 and 1969. The mine produced 850,000 ounces of gold from 2.56 million tonnes of ore at an average head grade of 10.4g/t. The mineralization is confined to well defined, north-northwesterly oriented payshoots.
Further resources are associated with the Erosion Channel target located stratigraphically below the Nigel/Main Reef along the boundary between Sub Nigel and Spaarwater. The Erosion Channel is incised into shales of the Jeppestown Subgroup lying immediately beneath the Main Reef. The erosional feature is filled with quartzites, pyritic quartzites and conglomerates. Gold mineralisation occurs in the pyritic quartzite fill within these transgressive, laterally restricted bodies. There has been limited previous mining on the Erosion Channel.
The Main Reef in the project area has well defined payshoots oriented northwest-southeast. These features are interpreted to result from channelized flow within a braided alluvial fan system. The channel thickness varies from a single pebble layer to up to three metres in width. The conglomerate is typically well sorted, and comprised mainly of quartz pebbles. New Kleinfontein is located in the proximal portion of the major payshoot, while Turnbridge straddles the margin of the payshoot to the south, and extends further south into a more distal environment.
In 1999, an attempt was made to re-open the New Kleinfontein Gold Mine. Following rehabilitation of the shaft infrastructure, small scale scattered underground mining began on the Main Reef, with a monthly production of approximately 2,500 tonnes from five shafts. The ore was initially treated via a toll agreement with Grootvlei Gold Mine, an adjacent mining operation. In June 2002, a metallurgical plant was constructed at New Kleinfontein Gold Mine, with a capacity of 2,500 tonnes per month. Due to various operational problems and high unit production costs arising from the low throughput of ore in the plant, the operation failed to achieve profitability and operations at New Kleinfontein and the Turnbridge property were placed on care and maintenance in May 2003.
The New Kleinfontein property currently contains an audited Inferred resource base of 2.5 million tonnes grading 6.9 g/t for a total of 549,000 ounces of gold. The Turnbridge property currently contains an audited Inferred resource base of 1.8 million tonnes grading 4.8 g/t for a total of 280,000 ounces of gold. Both the New Kleinfontein and Turnbridge resource estimates have been calculated using a 300 cmg/t cut-off grade.
Exploration activities are underway at the two properties with the aim of upgrading the bulk of the resource to the indicated category. Prospecting at New Kleinfontein will involve surface mapping of the lease area, the re-drilling (twinning) of five short (50m) holes that were drilled previously, and the evaluation of remnant blocks. An underground mapping and sampling program is being planned for Turnbridge.
The 2,181ha Holfontein Project is contiguous with and due east of Modder East.
The Holfontein (TCL) Gold Mining Company Ltd, a subsidiary of the Transvaal Consolidated Lands & Exploration Company Ltd, was started on the farm Holfontein. It is unclear exactly when the Holfontein gold mine started, but a share issue on 26 January 1937 gives some indication of its vintage. A shaft was sunk in the southeastern sector of the farm and a small amount of development was carried out on the Main Reef.
Exploration activities have recently commenced in the prospect area. Work will initially focus on Main Reef remnants above the water level together with drill indicated Upper Leader Reefs (3m to 30m above the Main Reef) in the northeastern quadrant of the Modder East prospect. Resources delineated on Modder East will then be used to direct exploration activities on Holfontein in order to optimize the probability of success.
The company's 9,760 hectare Ventersburg Project is situated in the Witwatersrand Basin in Free State Province east of the main Free State Goldfields, approximately 25km southeast of the city of Welkom. Gold One Africa announced in November 2006 that the South African Department of Minerals and Energy had formally granted the prospecting right to the company for the Ventersburg Project.
Some 78 boreholes were drilled in and around the prospect area between 1948 and 2004. In the northern portion of the area, 32 drillholes intersected the "A" Reef with assay returns ranging from 1.31g/t to 30.35g/t gold over widths of up to 2.0m at depths of between 530m and 860m. The Leader Reef, located some 100m below the "A" Reef is also present in the area although it is less well developed.
The project area is located within a northerly trending graben structure, which is bounded to the west by the Virginia Fault and to the east by the Ventersburg Fault. A number of easterly trending normal faults transect the area, with downthrows to the south. The "A" Reef dips shallowly to the west, east of the Virginia fault.
Resources for the "A" reef over the northern portion of the prospect area have been estimated at 6.0 million ounces* of gold. However, the resource is not SAMREC nor 43-101 compliant as much of the historical data cannot be verified and the sedimentology of the area is not well known. Consequently, an exploration program aimed at deriving a SAMREC compliant resource will commence in 2007. On 15 July 2009, Gold One Africa announced that it has commenced the 2nd phase of resource definition drilling at its 100% owned Ventersdorp Project, located on the Witwatersrand Basin in the gold prolofic Free State province of South Africa.
The Ventersburg Project currently has JORC/SAMREC compliant indicated and inferred gold resources of +3million ounces.
Gold One Africa's wholly-owned subsidiary Etendeka Prospecting and Mining is currently exploring for precious and base metal mineralization approximately 400km northwest of Windhoek in Namibia. The main geological structure (known as the Kamanjab Inlier) extends for some 250km in an east-west direction and is up to 110km wide. The principle target is iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG) mineralization associated with late-stage, porphyritic high-heat production granites of the Kaross Granite Suite.
The company has been awarded an exclusive prospecting licence (EPL) over an area covering some 65,000 hectares at Etendeka.
The Etendeka EPL is adjoined by an exclusive reconnaissance licence granted to Teck Cominco to the east and the Tevrede and Tevrede South EPL's, held by Helio Resources, to the west. The Tevrede area has been explored on an intermittent basis for over 15 years and a number of gold and copper occurrences have been discovered on the property. Recent exploration on Tevrede is based on evidence that copper-gold mineralisation in the meta-sediments is peripheral to an unusually large IOCG mineral system in the adjacent granites that has many features in common with the Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia. The property hosts large scale targets defined by gravity surveys, within and peripheral to the porphyritic granite plug, and soil and rock geochemical anomalies, in close spatial association with mineralized outcrops.
A comprehensive regional stream sediment sampling survey in the Etendeka prospect area has been completed. The stream sediment data is currently being evaluated and will be integrated with airborne magnetic data from government surveys flown across the prospect area. The EPL which grants Etendeka the exclusive right to explorew for "base and rare metals, precious metals and precious stones" but excludes prospecting for semi-precious stones has been renewed, and is valid until 12 December 2010.
Directors & Executive
The unconditional approval of the merger between BMA Gold and Aflease brought with it a new board and company secretary for Gold One International. "We have put together a board that is reflective of the new company's strategy and philosophy and brings together a broad range of skills set, as well as years of industry experience" commented Neal Froneman "Experience is something you cannot buy, and as we progress down our growth path, their knowledge and counsel will be invaluable to the company. I would like to thank the outgoing directors of Aflease and BMA, for their support and vision in making this deal a possibility" added Froneman.
The new board is now constituted as follows:
Mark Wheatley
Mark is the Chairman of Gold One, and also serves as a non-executive director of Uranium One Inc. Mark was previously Managing Director of BMA Gold Limited and Chairman and CEO of Southern Cross Resources Inc. He has also served as a non-executive director of St Barbara Limited.
Barry Davison
Barry is one of the pre-eminent mining executives in Southern Africa, with over 40 years experience in the industry. Barry served as director of several companies, including Anglo American plc, Nedbank Group and chaired Anglo American Platinum Corporation Ltd from 2001 to 2006.
Ken Dicks
Ken has mining manager's certificates in metalliferous and coal mining. He is a former non-executive director of Aflease Gold and Uranium Resources Ltd.
William Harris
William has a Bachelor of Arts degree and an MBA. He is a Partner of Solo Management Group LLC and has held senior executive positions including President and CEO of Hoechst Fibers Worldwide. William was a director of Energy Metals Corporation and currently serves as a director of Golden Predator Mines.
Sandile Swana
Sandile has a B.Com degree and an MBA. He is the chairman of Kabusha Mining and Finance and former chairman of Sub-Nigel Gold Mine Limited. He's is graduate of the Anglo American Corporation Cadet Scheme and has worked for multi-nationals Caltex Oil and the New York Times.
Ken Winters
Ken has formerly held the position of CFO for Highlands Gold Ltd and CFO and company secretary of CBH Resources Ltd.
Neal Froneman
(Chief Executive Officer)
Neal is a registered professional engineer with over 25 years experience in the mining industry. Prior to joining Aflease, he was CEO of Uranium One, vice president and head of operations at Goldfields Limited, and has also held management and executive positions at Harmony Gold Mining Company, JCI and other companies.
Syd Caddy
(Snr. Vice President: Projects)
Syd is a registered professional engineer with 32 years experience in the mining industry. Prior to joining Gold One he was Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer at First Uranium. He has also held management and executive positions at Simmer and Jack, Gold Fields and other companies.
Christopher Chadwick
(Chief Financial Officer)
Christopher is a qualified Chartered Accountant. Prior to joining Aflease in July 2008, Christopher has held executive positions in a wide range of industries, both with local South African companies and multinationals.
Izak Marais
(Snr. Vice President: RSA Operations)
Izak has over 15 years experience in various management roles in the South African mining industry, working in various deep and shallow gold mines belonging to the Gencor Limited and Goldfields Limited groups. Prior to joining Aflease, Izak served as Managing Director and CEO of Sallies Limited, a junior miner with open cast operations.
No info available.
Sydney Head Office
Level 3, 100 Mount Street North Sydney NSW 2060 PO Box 1244 North Sydney NSW 2059 Tel: +61 2 9963 6400 Fax: +61 2 9963 6499 |
Johannesburg Corporate Office
45 Empire Road, First Floor, Parktown, 2193 Gauteng, South Africa Tel: +27 11 726 1047 Fax: +27 11 726 1087 |
Ilja Graulich
Vice President Corporate Affairs
Mobile: +27 83 604 0820
Office: +27 11 726 1047
[email protected]
Carol Smith
Investor Relations
Tel: +27 11 726 1047
Mobile: +27 82 338 2228
[email protected]
Modder East Mine
Tel: +27 11 730 7600
Fax: +27 11 730 7660
No info available.
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