Montezuma Mining Company
Montezuma Mining Company (ASX: MZM) has in excess of 3,000 km2 of exploration tenure in Western Australia, with multi-commodity prospectivity including gold, copper, nickel and uranium targets.
The portfolio centrepiece is the Peak Hill gold mine which has produced in excess of 900,000 oz of gold and has existing resources in excess of 200,000 oz of gold
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The Palaeo- to Mesoarchaean North Pilbara Terrane of the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia has produced significant amounts of gold in recent years, with the Bamboo Creek deposit (7.05 t Au), the Golden Spec deposit (2.06 t Au to 1987) and the Lynas Find district (3.8 t) being major contributors. The discovery of additional significant Au resources have included the Golden Eagle deposit (6.67Mt @ 1.96 g/t Au for 10.1 t Au), the Klondyke deposit (9.95 Mt @ 1.0 g/t Au for 10.0 t Au) and the Indee area (4.96 Mt @ 2.08 g/t Au for 10.3 t Au), confirming the regional gold prospectivity of the Pilbara alongside established potential for base metals mineralisation (Nifty, Whim Creek, Copper Hills).
Montezuma's current interests in the Pilbara region comprise a 10% free carried interest in one gold project at Pilgangoora.
The Pilgangoora Project (MZM 10%) is situated approximately 80 kilometres south-southeast of the coastal town of Port Hedland and covers 35 km2 of mafic and ultramafic units, adjacent to and along strike from the Lynas Find Deposit, the largest known Archaean gold producing location in the Pilbara.
The holding also covers a sequence of ultramafics that remain untested for nickel prospectivity, with known anomalism along strike to the south returning values of up to 1.2% nickel from surface sampling of gossanous outcrop from previous work.
Both the gold and nickel potential of the Project are largely untested, and Montezuma has proposed a comprehensive programme to test this potential.
Montezuma and Trafford Resources have entered into a split commodity agreement whereby Montezuma can earn a 70% interest in the nickel rights over Trafford’s tenements and Trafford can earn a 70%interest in the gold rights over Montezuma’s tenement, each by completing a Bankable Feasibility Study
The Weebo Project is the single project area within the Yilgarn Province, and comprises approximately 230 km2 in two pending Exploration Licenses. The Project is within a known gold mineralized region with multiple economic and sub-economic deposits of varying sizes in the immediate surrounds, with Thunderbox (2.2 million ounces Au) to the northwest and Wonder North and Celtic (combined resource of 282,000 oz Au) to the south.
The Weebo Project is located approximately 80 km north of Leonora within the Yilgarn+ Craton of Western Australia and comprises 3 exploration leases 1 prospecting lease and one pending exploration lease. The project is approximately 10 km southeast of the Thunderbox gold deposit (2.2M ounces) and north of a gold mineralised region containing the Wonder North and Celtic gold deposits. A programme of aircore (AC) and rotary air blast (RAB) drilling was carried out early 2007. The programme was designed to follow up a geochemical anomaly highlighted by historic auger sampling beneath Tertiary transported cover sequences. Sixty-three AC and five RAB holes were drilled for a total of 3,664m.
Four metre composite samples were collected and sent for multi-element analysis. Only low level gold anomalism was returned, although geochemical anomalies are typically very low order in the target area, and further analysis is required to determine the significance of these results.
Field logging highlighted a zone of intense K-feldspar, chlorite and mica alteration in the southeast corner of the completed drill programme. Despite the subdued assay results, geological indications are that the potential remains for a large mineralised system. The assay results and geological information obtained from the programme will be further assessed over coming quarter to determine the need for further work on this target .
The Murchison region contains Montezuma’s key projects. The Company’s flagship project Peak Hill was acquired from Rio Tinto and Barrick in late 2007. Peak Hill is a million oz high grade gold system which has produced +920,000 oz to date and has existing resources of over 200,000 oz.
Since acquisring the Peak Hill Project, Montezuma has successfully negotiated an agreement with Grange Resources to earn an 85% interset in the Durack gold deposit approximately 12kms south of Peak Hill. Durack contains an Inferred and Indicated Resource of 42,000 oz.
Montezuma has also recently acquired a significant holding at the Butcher Bird Project, approximately 120kms south of Newman. Early work has returned excellent results and the Project is regarded as highly prospective for economic manganese and copper mineralisation.
The Mt Padbury Project, is highly prospective for gold, manganese and iron ore. Montezuma has farmed out it's iron ore and manganese interests to Sinosteel Midwest Corporation Limited and Auvex Resources Limited respectively. Montezuma retains all other mineral rights.
These projects, particularly Peak Hill, are the main focus for Montezuma. An ongoing proactive exploration programme is in place and the Company will continue to investigate opportunities to expand our holding in this highly prospective mineral field.
At the Harmony/Baxter lease, production has yielded 221,000 ounces at 3.24 g/t from a shallow open-cut operation that mined down to approximately 100m.
At Enigma North, previously defined resources of approximately 67,000 ounces are open down plunge and at depth and will be further tested to build on the existing mineralised corridor.
In addition to these clear target areas, historically the project area has had only limited exploration outside the immediate production areas. While some areas have been drill tested, it has generally been very shallow and there are large prospective areas that have had no drilling to date.
Montezuma is the 100% beneficial owner of the +million ounce Peak Hill gold province. Montezuma acquired Peak Hill from Rio Tinto. Peak Hill was last mined in 1997 and closed due to the low gold price. When the gold price rose again, the majors considered it too small to re-open.
Key Target Areas
The Main Pit has produced in excess of 400,000 oz with remaining mineralisation in the Deeps returning in ground assays up to 878 g/t over a metre with separate composite intersections including 8m @ 124.22 g/t. These results provide strong indications of the potential for high-grade underground production from this target area. At Jubilee, a small test pit has yielded 6,500 oz at 4.0 g/t from an extensively mineralised zone with in ground intersections of up to 590 g/t gold over a metre and composite intersections including 5m @ 201.74 g/t and 10m @ 14.83 g/t.
Figure 1: Key target areas for immediate drill testing.
A drilling programme in June 2009 included Jubilee, Harmony, Enigma and Fiveways (Main Pit). The results have highlighted a number of extensions to existing resources and will provide the basis for the next round of drilling to be commenced in the near term. The course gold issue continues to provide challenges, particulary at Jubilee. Test work is ongoing, however early indications suggest that the current default assay methodology may be underestimating the gold content of the samples by an average of 25%. Optimising our assay methodology is certainly a priority going forward given the clear impact this issue may have on resource estimation and future commercialisation of the gold resources at Peak Hill. Montezuma’s strategy is to continue to extend the known gold resources at the Peak Hill project with the goal of recommencing gold production in the medium term. The current programme continues to confirm the potential of the project to yield significant additional ounces and the company looks forward to rolling out further drilling programmes and updated resource estimates in the near term.
Montezuma has lodged two exploration licences covering approximately 40km2 of highly prospective ground adjacent to the main production areas at the Main Pit, Jubilee and Harmony. The new tenure contains ore-grade drilling intersections ready for follow up, as well as a number of regional targets comprising geochemical, rock chip and drilling anomalies. The area also covers structural positions with significant potential to host extensions and/or repetitions of mineralisation near the known major mineralisation areas. In particular, the Company’s tenure now covers the northern strike extension of the main pit mineralisation (~440,000 oz Au produced) which was not held by the previous operators at Peak Hill and which has been ineffectively tested for extensions to the high grade main pit mineralisation. This is a Tier 1 structural target that will be drill tested as soon as possible. To the north of the Jubilee Resource, the Company’s extended ground holdings include a number of high grade intersections drilled by previous holders.
Please review our ASX Announcements section for ongoing updates on progress at Peak Hill.
Previous workers have identified an Indicated and Inferred gold Resource at Durack of 567,679t @ 2.34 (1.0g/t cutoff, and top-cut of 25 g/t) for a total of 42,659 oz Au. Uncut, the resource grade increases to 3.33 g/t with an increase in total ounces to 60,836.
Several exploration targets have been identified within the lease which provide opportunities to add to this additional resource. Montezuma will undertake a detailed internal assessment of these and other target areas before planning the first phase of work to progress the project.
The acquisition adds to Montezuma’s existing gold Resources at Peak Hill and is an important step to achieving the Company’s stated strategic goal of an initial target gold Resource of 500,000 ounces to underpin it’s plans to recommence production from the gold field.he Robinson Range Project is located approximately 125 km north of Meekatharra in Western Australia.
The gold mineralisation at Durack is associated with pyrite alteration on the margins of steeply dipping quartz veins within a package of intercalated mafic volcanics and sedimentary rocks. The main mineralised zone is broadly concordant with stratigraphy, trending at 130°, dipping sub-vertically to the north-east.
Highlights from the most recent drilling at Durack, completed in 2003 include:
• 12m @ 15.16g/t Au from 87m (DURC004)
• 8m @ 11.86g/t Au from 14m (DURC005)
• 13m @ 4.68g/t Au from 77m (DURC008)
• 8m @ 2.20g/t Au from 94m (DURC008)
The project (100% Montezuma) lies approximately 100km north of Meekatharra and 30km west of the Peak Hill gold mine in Western Australia. The Mt Padbury Project comprises one exploration license E52/1529 covering approximately 214 km 2 .
Previous work over the project has included comprehensive surface geochemical sampling and RAB testing of the resulting gold anomalies at Rudd’s Ridge, Rudd’s Ridge East, Bare Flat and Wood Creek.
The Wood Creek prospect has returned the best results to date, with a surface anomaly extending over 800m X 400m coincident with a northwest trending regional structure. Gold mineralization at Wood Creek has been defined by RAB drilling over a strike length of approximately 400m, open to the southeast and northwest. The mineralized envelope is approximately 200m wide in the central section, suggesting excellent potential for a significant mineralized system.
The Wood Creek Prospect is progressively covered along strike to the southeast by material shedding from the Robinson Ranges, and it is likely that any surface geochemical anomalism is masked in that direction. This means that mineralization could continue beyond the boundary of the current soil anomaly.
RAB Drilling results to date from Wood Creek include:
WCRB012 | 4m @ 2.95 g/t Au from 3m (incl. 1m @ 9.2 g/t Au) |
WCAC069 | 6m @ 1.95 g/t Au from 28m (incl. 2m @ 3.48 g/t Au) |
WCRB014 |
1m @ 5.11 g/t Au from 8m 5m @ 1.11 g/t Au from 11m |
WCRB018 | 11m @ 1.36 g/t Au from 8m (incl. 5m @2.06 g/t Au) |
WCRB021 |
2m @ 2.12 g/t Au from 1m 2m @ 2.41 g/t Au from 19m |
Average drilling depth to date is approximately 30m and numerous holes finish in mineralization. Montezuma is of the view that results to date warrant testing at depth and intends to commence an RC programme to further test this target as soon as practicable.
Montezuma entered into an agreement with Midwest Corporation Limited in September 2008 whereby Midwest will purchase 100% of the iron ore rights over E52/1529 by paying Montezuma up to $6M cash plus a royalty on production.
The completion of this sale with Midwest is an exciting milestone for Montezuma, providing the Company with important working capital to fund our ongoing exploration work at the Peak Hill Gold Project (MZM 100%) and our regional portfolio, with retained exposure to the iron ore potential should Midwest be successful in commencing a mining operation within the project area.
Montezuma successfully negotiated an agreement with Auvex Metals Limited for the sale of the manganese rights over the Mt Padbury licence E52/1529 in May 2008.
In consideration for the sale, Montezuma will receive 10M fully paid ordinary shares in the issued capital of Auvex. On listing, this holding will represent approximately 12% of the issued capital of Auvex. Montezuma retain a $2/DMT royalty and will nominate one director to the Board of Auvex. The agreement provides Montezuma with a major equity interest in an emerging manganese producer ideally positioned to capitalise on very
strong demand and high prevailing prices currently associated with global manganese markets. As a major shareholder in the company, Montezuma will be ideally placed to benefit from the strong revenues projected to flow from the proposed operations. Work to date at Mt Padbury has highlighted the potential for significant manganese mineralisation with rock-chips consistently grading over 40% Mn as previously reported. Auvex intends to list on the Australian Stock Exchange in early 2009 at a projected IPO price of $0.50. Montezuma is pleased to be a key partner in this venture and looks forward to sharing in Auvex’s success during this period of record manganese prices.
We look forward to keeping the market appraised as key milestones and payments related to this agreement are completed.
A total of 50 surface rock chip samples have now been collected by Montezuma over two site visits. All samples were analysed by Ultra Trace Pty Ltd using XRF glass beads. The results to date continue to provide a very strong case for the project to be a priority project for drill testing of key target areas.
Prospect |
ID |
East (GDA) |
North (GDA) |
Mn (%) |
Fe (%) |
Al2O3 (%) |
SiO2 (%) |
TiO2 (%) |
LOI (%) |
Thomas Hill |
BB51 |
765909 |
7299246 |
33.7 |
11.2 |
4.89 |
17.9 |
0.18 |
10.5 |
Thomas Hill |
BB52 |
765701 |
7299229 |
43.6 |
3.87 |
4.08 |
14.8 |
0.14 |
10.2 |
Thomas Hill |
BB53 |
765466 |
7299169 |
39.5 |
6.46 |
4.69 |
16.2 |
0.18 |
9.73 |
Thomas Hill |
BB54 |
765466 |
7299171 |
35.4 |
10.7 |
4.36 |
17.4 |
0.18 |
9.36 |
Thomas Hill |
BB55 |
765469 |
7299160 |
41.6 |
4.76 |
4.65 |
15.6 |
0.16 |
10.2 |
Thomas Hill |
BB56 |
765472 |
7299143 |
44.0 |
3.68 |
4.06 |
14.2 |
0.14 |
10.2 |
Thomas Hill |
BB57 |
765479 |
7299128 |
44.4 |
4.30 |
3.89 |
13.3 |
0.15 |
10.4 |
Thomas Hill |
BB58 |
765477 |
7299136 |
43.1 |
4.22 |
4.37 |
14.3 |
0.14 |
10.3 |
The manganese at Thomas Hill is largely manganite recrystallised in fine layers as thin slabs and blocks in a paleochannel environment.
Prospect |
ID |
East (GDA) |
North (GDA) |
Mn (%) |
Fe (%) |
Al2O3 (%) |
SiO2 (%) |
TiO2 (%) |
LOI (%) |
Gordon Ridge |
BB21 |
774293 |
7297732 |
39.4 |
6.49 |
5.23 |
16.4 |
0.18 |
11.1 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB22 |
774262 |
7297736 |
36.6 |
7.04 |
6.09 |
18.7 |
0.21 |
10.7 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB23 |
774482 |
7297553 |
40.7 |
5.39 |
4.79 |
16.2 |
0.16 |
10.1 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB24 |
774488 |
7297608 |
37.6 |
8.01 |
4.65 |
17.5 |
0.17 |
10.3 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB45 |
773958 |
7297729 |
36.2 |
13.7 |
6.19 |
8.9 |
0.19 |
12.0 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB46 |
773977 |
7297703 |
38.7 |
7.31 |
5.28 |
15.7 |
0.18 |
11.4 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB47 |
773815 |
7297806 |
33.1 |
5.67 |
7.50 |
24.6 |
0.25 |
10.4 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB48 |
773731 |
7297810 |
36.5 |
9.64 |
4.94 |
16.7 |
0.17 |
11.1 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB49 |
773660 |
7297818 |
42.4 |
4.98 |
4.55 |
15.6 |
0.16 |
11.2 |
Gordon Ridge |
BB50 |
773589 |
7297818 |
34.9 |
9.48 |
6.13 |
17.7 |
0.20 |
11.2 |
Gordon Ridge represents supergene Mn enrichment of manganiferous shales, forming a manganite enriched cap over a strike of approximately 2km. Edward Ridge sampled in April is similar to Gordon Ridge except that mineralisation appears to be less extensive.
The Butcher Bird Project contains the historic Butcher Bird mine, a high grade near surface copper mine which targeted supergene copper mineralisation. The mine has recorded production of 8.46t of copper at an average grade of 22.6%. The main 3 shafts lay in the south-eastern portion of the tenement at 775750m E and 7297200m N GDA zone 50.
Montezuma has undertaken mullock sampling at the Butcher Bird Copper Mine which returned very strong copper results. A total of seven surface mullock heap samples were collected by Montezuma during a July site visit. The mullock heaps are situated at the shaft openings of the Butcher Bird shallow underground copper mine. Both primary and oxidised zones of the fault infill mineralisation was recognised and sampled.
Sample |
Cu % |
Fe % |
Au ppb |
Ag ppm |
As ppm |
Co ppm |
Mo ppm |
Ni ppm |
Pb ppm |
Zn ppm |
BB26 |
6.86 |
12.8 |
6 |
19.5 |
101 |
265 |
2 |
120 |
1040 |
105 |
BB29 |
21.7 |
1.01 |
58 |
87.5 |
16 |
840 |
2 |
720 |
48 |
575 |
BB30 |
26.0 |
1.82 |
47 |
156 |
36 |
585 |
2.5 |
515 |
48 |
565 |
BB32 |
12.4 |
10.6 |
7 |
6 |
28 |
1070 |
2.5 |
600 |
235 |
85 |
Table 1: Oxidised rocks with visible azurite and malachite .
Sample |
Cu |
Fe |
Au |
Ag |
Pb |
Sb |
Si |
U |
Zn |
Co |
Ni |
As |
% |
% |
ppb |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
% |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
BB59 |
4.31 |
13.8 |
8 |
39 |
917 |
5220 |
33.6 |
18.7 |
40 |
145 |
90 |
80 |
BB27 |
6.07 |
20.3 |
7 |
26 |
1120 |
4920 |
22.4 |
51.1 |
125 |
415 |
180 |
162 |
BB28 |
7.05 |
19.4 |
5 |
48 |
1250 |
7850 |
20.4 |
38.1 |
80 |
280 |
145 |
121 |
Table 2 : Iron oxide breccia samples. Note BB59 and 27 are unweathered, and BB28 is weakly gossanous with minor visible azurite.
Table 2 shows results from samples that were selected to represent the Iron Oxide matrix material of the breccia which is considered the primary target for primary mineralisation below the supergene zone. BB28 contains visible azurite, and is considered to represent gossan weathered Iron Oxide breccia. Copper values are very robust and Antimony (Sb) is highly significant. Silver (Ag), Cobalt (Co) and Lead (Pb) are also anomalous. Gold in these samples is low, but has been historically reported in anomalous amounts in some samples of adjacent fault systems.
The fault hosting the Butcher Bird Copper Mine has been mapped as an iron rich gossan for a strike of 3.3km. There are 3 adjacent faults mapped around the Butcher Bird fault providing a number of targets in addition to the currently known areas of mineralisation. Based on the large regional extent of the mapped surface gossans, the anomalous geochemistry, the sampling and remote sensing data, Butcher Bird is regarded as having excellent potential to host significant tonnages of copper mineralisation. Drilling will commence as soon as possible once the tenements have been granted and relevant clearances received.
Denis O’Meara – Chairman
Denis O'Meara is a Prospector and founder of De Grey Mining Ltd. Denis has a lifelong involvement in mining, prospecting and exploration. He has been involved in several
major resource and exploratory discoveries in Western Australia including Miralga Creek, Sulphur Springs, Gorge Range, Indee (Wingina and Orchard Tank Well) (Pilbara) Horans Dam (Kalgoorlie), Triangle Bore (Mt Magnet) and Weld Range (Murchison). His activities have supported several corporate fund raisings/listings since 1969. His prospecting has also led to joint ventures with 17 companies. Denis is the discoverer of the Beyondie Bluff gold and base metal anomalies and originally sampled for gold at the Indee Turner River Gold Belt in 1987. He was awarded AMEC Prospector of the Year in 2004, jointly with Geoff Blackburn.
Denis has served as an Executive Councillor of AMEC, a board member of AGIC (Australian Gold Industry Council) for its 10-year duration and board member of the Port Hedland Port Authority from 1972 to 1985. He also received a National Outstanding Achievement Award - Greening Australia, 1991 and served as a board member of the Kings Park and Botanical Gardens, Perth, 1994 - 1996.
Justin Brown – Managing Director
Justin Brown is a geologist with extensive experience in minerals exploration in Australia and New Zealand. He has a strong technical background with experience in the full spectrum of mineral exploration and mining from grass roots target generation through to resource mining and mine production.
Justin’s successful career in the mining industry culminated in a position managing exploration for a large multinational company in the Leonora, Edjudina and Marvel Loch regions of Western Australia.
Since leaving mineral exploration to pursue other business interests, Justin has founded and operated a successful internet services consultancy, developing and enhancing his management expertise which he now brings to the Company.
Ian (Inky) Cornelius - Non-Executive Director
Mr Cornelius has had over 40 years experience in the minerals and petroleum industry. He spent the first nine years of his career with the Western Australian Department of Mines before leaving to manage his own tenement consulting business. Since 1976 he has held senior executive positions in a number of public exploration and mining companies. In this capacity he has had extensive experience and success in the selection, management and development of deposits of many commodities. Inky is a non-executive director of Pancontinental Oil and Gas NL, New World Alloys Ltd, and Alkane Exploration Ltd.
No info available.
Registered Office
23 Altona Street
Email: [email protected] |
Tel +61 8 9228 4833 |
Fax +61 8 9328 8302 |
Postal Address
PO Box 8535
Registered Office
23 Altona Street
Email: [email protected] |
Tel +61 8 9228 4833 |
Fax +61 8 9328 8302 |
Postal Address
PO Box 8535
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